Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Families: Who'd have 'em?

Well, I certainly would! What a joy it was to see my sister, brother-in-law and niece on Sunday. And to have my son and his girlfriend here too! It was almost perfect, but not quite. Perfection is Familyville. Now, everyone seems to think this is a VERY bad idea, but wait a bit........let me sell it to you. Sit back and imagine for a moment........
You buy/build a house. You live in it with your significant other and your child/ren. Child gets too big for boots, needs own space but loves mummy and daddy to bits and VV. So child buys/builds house next door to live in with significant other. This Sig Oth wants his/her brother/sister/cousin/aunt to live close by so THEY buy/build house in Familyville and so-on and so-on until you have ALL your relatives living round you but not WITH you. No more long journeys to visit Aunt Maudlin........just walk down the street. Birthday bashes are a doddle.....pop round the corner to the restaurant which is run by Uncle Fungle and his family. You wouldn't have to worry where your kids had gone, cos as long as they are in familyville, they would be with a relative. And finding a babysitter would be as easy as falling off a highchair.
Of course there are a few little problems with Familyville, and I am sure you will think of some, but as a concept, you have to admit it is brilliant! Maybe, in a sense, that is where we are at anyway, as I guess everyone is related to someone else if you go back far enough. Maybe my husband is really my 15th cousin 28 times removed. Maybe (and this is the dodgy bit) I am the 14th pale descendant of someone with a nasty streak. But, as the song says 'we are family'.
I still enjoyed seeing the family on Sunday. It is great to be able to laugh, cry, argue etc with them, knowing that they will still love me, whatever, and will want to see me again and laugh,cry,argue etc all over again. I think it is the sure and certain knowledge of this love that makes me such a keen supporter of Familyville. I mean, imported people (friends & lovers) don't have to make this commitment and you can never be 100% sure of them. Does that make me unlucky with my friends or lucky with my family?
Typing this Blog in Georgia, probably 12. Whoever thought that Times New Roman 10pt was a suitable default font for ANYTHING needs trepanning. Arial 10 is just as bad. Can't read it without a microscope, and it is Soooooooooooooooooo old-fashioned. First thing I did at my office was to change default font to something readable, and we currently use Tahoma 12, modern without being brash and big enough to read without specialist equipment.
Hey, I heard that the house next door to you is vacant................when can I move in?