Thursday, November 30, 2006

Please Santa

It seems that the family Virgos have come up with the VGIs again. The Christmas list is SUCH a good idea, and if you make it broad enough, then you still have no idea what Christmas might bring, nor from whom. I’ve pinched Julia's format as it seems to encompass most areas.

The best present I could get from anyone is time to spend with you. Invite me over, or come and visit. For those who really want to get me a gift, read on......
1 For the home
a. Vases. Any shape or size, I like originality and unusualness.

b. An earring tree, funky and fun
c. Stationery. I think I must be related to W. H. surpise me
2. Books
a. Biographies/ Autobiographies especially lives of philosophers and any book by Armando Gallo on Genesis.

b. Books to help me get more from my computer.
c. Anything from my Amazon wish list
don't bother with:- Cookery/Food/Diet or Gardening/Flowers. Any more of the 'Does anything eat wasps?' type. I have most of them!
3. Perfume & Bath stuff

don't bother with:- body lotion, anything Musky
4. Self-improvement
a. Make-Up lessons

b. Gastric Band Op
c. Nail Varnish
d. Advanced driving lessons
e. Any books of the 'Men are from Mars' variety.
don't bother with:- Massage/Facial/Health Spa stuff, Anything even mildly physically risky.
5. Music & DVD
a. Gilbert & Sullivan boxed set, must include Cox & Box.

b. Classical Composers beginning with G
c. Anything from my Amazon wish list
6. Clothes:- Size 24

a. Tops, especially mad T shirts, funky colours, glitter
b. Skirts, especially long swirly
don't bother with:- Scarves & Pashminas, tights and popsocks, jumpers
8. Food & Drink
a. Jams & Marmalade

b. Panforte, don't know what it is, ought to find out.
c. Unusual Alcohol-Free drinks
d. Surprise me….
9. Jewellery & Accessories
a. Earrings, can't get enough.

b. Handbags
c. Key Rings and Phone accessories
10. Charity giving…..

I am quite happy for you to give my present to a personal favourites are NSPCC, Save The Children, WWF

I only included the 'don't bother' bit, as I would hate for you to spend time and energy on something I will never use. For example, I have a box FULL of jumpers and woollies of all sorts..hate them all, I am rarely cold enough!! I often used to buy them as I liked the look, and then they go in the box.......

Love you all.........