Saturday, March 11, 2006

Things that make me feel that I'm mad

The song says...........'I said "who put all those things in your head, things that make me feel that I'm mad? and you're making me feel like I've never born"'The trouble with having spaces where a brain should be is that once the idea goes in, it makes you go all twirly until you can sort it out. The trouble with going to see my sister is that she is quite capable of filling me up with such twirly thoughts. Take this as an example:-She said (there's that song again) that there has been research done which says that children willingly, nay...intentionally.....adopt a role in the family. Therefore one will take on the role of 'eldest child', another the 'baby'. Now this is all very interesting, but is it true? And who said it? And can it be proved anyway? The whole point about theories is that they can, like statistics, be made to fit your argument by conveniently ignoring other scenarios. The idea that, as the youngest of 4 siblings, I somehow intentionally adopted the role of baby is bizarre. I contend that the position that you have in your family will, to a great extent, dictate the role you play, and this is foisted upon you from birth by your parents and other siblings. I also firmly believe that once the relationship has been established, that it will stay that way for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter what role you may play in the rest of your world, you will revert to the order dicated by sibling positioning whenever you are together in the same environment.
Crikey, this is interesting stuff!! I know that books galore have been written on the subject, and I have read one of them. Maybe I need to go out more. At least by writing this down, I have got rid of those twirly thoughts and have been able to clear my spaces out for the next info load.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Then why should the 2nd of our brothers have taken the "big brother" role?