Friday, May 19, 2006

On the stuff of memories, and a great day out

I had a great day yesterday. I had a half-day at work (always very pleasing) and then met my sister Julia in Eastbourne for some retail therapy. It was the first chance we have had to talk alone and in person (rather than on the phone) since the start of her relationship troubles at the beginning of the year. She seemed to me to be very bouncy and full of good humour, and we had a most enjoyable, if small, spree......especially as she helped me choose, and then paid for, 2 lovely tops from Evans. Saw Darren Cohen in Eastbourne, and Kim (used to know him from the surgery) but no-one else I know.

We went for lunch in the Townhouse, and sat in the garden. It immediately rekindled a memory of being there with Neil one summer's day, (a few years ago now) when we had one of our spoof conversations. In this one, Neil confessed about an affair.....with a man! We discussed it all just loudly enough for everyone else to hear, and were gratified to see everyone taking a great interest. I hadn't thought about it since, until I walked in there yeterday. strange!!

Later we met in Battle and had a scrumptious meal in SI, and everyone (J&P, Linda and us) was very jolly and seemed very relaxed. 4 bottles of Pinot Grigot must have helped. Neil very busy at the moment and has a long day today, so we said 'No' to Champagne at Linda's and came home. Shame, I like a drop of the old Bubbly.

Lots to do. May drive to Portsmouth.

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