Julia sent me a little mantra to try out - to keep me off the bread! 'Only a fool breaks the 2-slice rule'. It's good. It's very good. But the way I feel today should teach me something.
(Do I ever learn?) I think I like to eat bread-related products. I love sandwiches, rolls, toast - ah, how I love toast! But I feel like a loaf afterwards, all stodgy and lethargic. But today I went back to healthy eating a la Weight Watchers, and have had no bread. And I feel fantastic. I am so full of energy that I can only imagine that all these carbs are bad for me in some fundamental way. I think I read somewhere that foods we 'crave' are somehow the very ones that are not good for us. Sounds bunkum. Probably is. But if I can feel this good every day, why would I want to sacrifice it for a few slices of toast?
The only problem now is what to spread my marmite on. Suggestions anyone?
1 comment:
Glad to be of service, anyway! Perhaps most of the battle is to learn to listen to your own body and start to regard certain items as tho' they were poison.
(Have you noticed; your last 3 blogs concern food.....?)
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